Working Time Regulations

The Working Time Regulations were designed to ensure that all employees have some protection in relation to their employment rights. If you are unsure how they relate to your position, or feel that you are not receiving your basic rights, we can help you.

Basic Rights Under the Working Time Regulations

The basic rights are:

  • a limit of an average 48 hours a week of working time
  • a limit of an average 8 hours work for nightworkers
  • free health assessments for nightworkers
  • a right to 11 hours rest per day
  • a right to a day off every week
  • a right to a rest break if you work more than 6 hours per day
  • a right to four weeks leave per year

Can We Help You?

If you have any issues about your working time or environment, please call us on 01634 811 118, complete our online enquiry form, or email our Employment Law specialist Chris Eastland.

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