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Employment for Business

Unfair Dismissal

Did you know that the maximum compensation for unfair dismissal is now over £70,000 or is capped at 52 weeks' gross salary, depending on whichever is lower? Employees are entitled to make a claim after only one year of employment. Your employees are protected from being dismissed for no or an unfair reason so you must ensure that you do not fall foul of the process that you should follow.

We can help you to avoid costly and uneccessary unfair dismissal claims against you.

An unfair dismissal occurs when you dismiss an employee from their job and you did not have a valid reason to dismiss them or you acted unreasonably in the circumstances. Matters that might make the dismissal fair are poor conduct or lack of capability to perform the job. It's important to note that an employee must have two years' continuous service before he/she can make a claim for unfair dismissal. 

What Should You Do If Your Employee Claims Unfair Dismissal?

Your employee must make a claim for unfair dismissal to an Employment Tribunal within three months of their dismissal. If they have issued a claim against you, it is vital that your response is professionally drafted to give you  the best prospects of defending the claim, or reaching a quick settlement if that is your only option.

Let Us Help Your Business?

Please call us on 01634 811 118, complete our online enquiry form, or email our Employment Law specialist Chris Eastland.

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