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Employment for Individuals

Contracts and Pre Contract Advice

If you are an employee you have a legal entitlement to a written statement that sets out your terms and conditions with your employer. The contract should set out your full terms and conditions such as payment, the amount of holidays, your hours of work and any restrictions on your future employment if you leave your current employer. Covering so much important detail it is vital that you have your contract reviewed by an independent Employment Law Solicitor.

No Contract?

If you do not have a written contract or terms of employment, any subsequent dispute with your employer is likely to be covered by some implied employment terms. These implied terms can include:

  • The duty of mutual trust and confidence (ie you not to disclose confidential information about your employer and the same for your employer in relation to your personal circumstances)
  • Sick pay (to be paid for a resonable period of time)
  • Christmas closing (based on past history)
  • Any annual bonus payments

Breach of Contract Terms and Implied Terms

If your employer breaches any of your terms, whether in the contract or implied and this leads to a loss for you, you may be able to make a claim for compensation or constructive dismissal. You must take early action after the breach so that evidence can be obtained to support your potential claim.

Can We Help You?

We can often provide initial fixed fee advice, please just ask us for details. Either call us on 01634 811 118, complete our online enquiry, or email our Employment Law specialist Chris Eastland.

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