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Property Developers, Businesses & Landlords

Development Potential and Site Appraisals

We are highly experienced in evaluating the prospects for development and redevelopment. The matrix of issues that surround development, including tendering on sites, auction lots and private treaty and taking or granting options, all involve planning appraisals.

Planning Appraisals

Without a development potential planning appraisal which highlights the issues important to your financial strategy, you do not have a full understanding of the risks or benefits of your development site.

Commercial risks lawyers do not have the planning experience needed to fully advise you. Commonly they will suggest that you seek the advice of a planning consultant. However, that consultant is not legally trained, so unless you have them working side by side, there might be a gap between them to which you will be blind. Often neither professional is held liable, as they worked within their respective disciplines, leaving you without remedy. Why take that risk when we provide practical planning law advice, being not only Solicitors, but also a legal associate of the Royal Town Planning Institute?

(see also Landowners and DevelopersChange of Use Application)

Can We Help You With A Site Appraisal/Development Potential?

A sophisticated, integrated site assessment and site development appraisal could make all the difference to you and your property. We offer a complete professional service designed to help you meet your objectives and identify all risks and benefits of your development site. Find out more about Development Planning.

Please call us on 01634 811 118, complete our online enquiry form , or email our planning law expert Nicholas Kingsley-Smith.

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