Business Employment Law Solicitors

Click here to find out how our employment law solicitors can help you with employment legal advice.

Here at Kingsley Smith Solicitors, our employment law specialist recognises that all companies adopt a slightly different approach to employee management. You may operate a full internal human resources team or whether it's just you, the single human resources person or, like most small businesses, you, the boss does it all.  At some time most businesses should seek professional legal advice employment law for at least some employment issues. Speaking to an employment law specialist can save you time and money in the long run. 

Employment law is a potential minefield for the inexperienced and uninitiated. Our employment lawyer knows that it is one area of law that probably seems to be in a constant state of flux. As employees become more aware of their rights and become increasingly prepared to seek legal redress by seeking legal advice employment law from specialists, it is vital that employers stay abreast of developments.

Find out which areas of employment law we can help you with below. 

Find out how our employment expert has helped employers with unfair dismissal claims issued against them by employees: 

A simple case – Client A being charged £1200 plus VAT.

Client A’s former employee brought a claim for unfair dismissal by issuing proceedings in person.  We therefore drafted on behalf Client A form ET3 (Grounds of Resistance).  Thereafter, we represented Client A upon the Case Management Hearing that was dealt with by telephone with the Employment Tribunal Judge and the former employee’s solicitors where directions were ordered.  Negotiations for settlement were thereafter entered into with the assistance of ACAS upon which a final settlement was reached. 

The reasons that the bill was relatively small were:

  • The Employment Tribunal proceedings had been issued by Client A’s former employee and as the case was for unfair dismissal, the Form ET3 that we drafted for Client A was relatively straightforward.
  • After representing Client A at the Case Management Conference, negotiations were entered into whereupon a settlement was reached before it was necessary to deal with the directions as ordered by the Employment Tribunal.

For further information about our costs on Employment Tribunal pricing for employers:  

With over 130,000 applications annually by employees to Employment Tribunals in the UK, and with the upper limits of some awards now raised to more than £100,000 (with some unlimited), employers need to be fully and properly advised about relevant law and procedures by employment law specialists.

Our employment lawyer provides practical legal advice on all Employment Law issues including :-

Contact us on 01634 811 118 to discuss your case. Alternatively you can simply use our ask a legal question form.
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